
Charitable Giving

THANK YOU to all who participated in this years’ Service Projects. Through your generous contributions to the Faith Lutheran Food Pantry, Grace Centers of Hope, and Penrickton Center for Blind Children you made the holidays much brighter for the families, seniors, and children we touched! (See the thank you letter in the May newsletter from Penrickton.) Looking forward to next year, if you have any ideas for charities that could use our help, please contact Michele B. Take care!

If you would like more information about our Club’s charitable giving, please email

Rose Awards

Each month, September through May, White Rose Awards are given in appreciation to members serving on the board who have made an outstanding contribution to our club. In addition, Red Rose Awards are given in appreciation to members not serving on the board who have also made significant contributions to our club. Troy Newcomers Club is truly grateful for the time these women take out of their busy schedules and the extraordinary effort they put forth on behalf of our club. Please see the newsletter for more information about these wonderful women.