Our first Social of this season will be attending a Dinner Theatre, “The Broken Badge” at the OPC in Rochester where one of our own members, Denise M., will be in the cast playing the role of Sarah Bellum, a Saloon Hall Girl. An e-blast went out on 8.21.24 and by day’s end, we had 14 tickets reserved. We will be seated together at two tables (or more if requests continue to come in). The performance will be at the OPC at 650 Letica Drive in Rochester. Dinner is included with each show ticket of $25. We will be there from 5 pm – 8 pm on Thursday, 10.24.24.
If you are interested in going with us, please call, text or email Karen G. to reserve your ticket. Feel free to request tickets for friends/family in addition to your own. As soon as we get blocks of 8 people interested, she will update our order for our tables. Your request will constitute a firm commitment to reimburse her for the ticket. If after you have ordered your ticket, you no longer can attend, it will be your responsibility to sell your ticket and pay for it if you can’t find someone else to buy it.
Time is of the essence. Two performances are already sold out and we anticipate tickets to go very fast, so if you are interested … REACH OUT NOW!!!!!
We look forward to sharing our first TNC Social of the season with you and look forward to gathering this year with our amazing women and having lots of fun!
On a different subject … If you ever see something you think would be a cool social event to plan, please email Karen G. and it will be added to our list.
If you would like additional information about any Social events please email socials@troynewcomers.com.